Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Today in UK history

Today is Armistice Day or Remembrance Day. Every year, at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, UK observes a 2 minute silence to commemorate with respect those who were killed in the World War I. It is not only observed in UK but also in other parts of the world.

Armistice was signed by the Allies of the WW1 and Germany on November 11 in 1918.

So today, at the eleventh hour everybody just stops doing what they are doing for 2 minutes paying respect to our war heroes who sacrificed their life for us to attain this  freedom and peace we are enjoying.

1 comment:

  1. haven't heard about this before. i know only of 3 o'clock habit to pause and pray. thanks for sharing.
    and thanks for all your nice comments in my blogs.


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